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What’s The Origin of April Fools’ Day?

Written by: Aanya Krishna – a grade 6 student.

The exact origin of April Fools’ Day remains unknown and is probably lost in history, but there are many theories around why this day is celebrated.

By I Kid You Not , in Did You Know Facts to Know History , at April 1, 2020 Tags: , , , , , ,

Written by: Aanya Krishna – a grade 6 student

April Fools’ Day is celebrated on April 1st each year. It is a day when one is allowed to play tricks and practical jokes on others. The exact origin of April Fools’ Day remains unknown and is probably lost in history, but there are many theories around why this day is celebrated.

One story suggests that this day may have stemmed from a calendar change in the 16th century when France adopted the Gregorian calendar
(The Gregorian calendar was created in the year 1582 and is used by most countries in the world. It is named after Pope Gregory XIII. ) This moved the New Year’s Day from the 1st of April to the 1st of January. Some people continued to celebrate New Year’s on April 1st and were referred to as ‘April Fools’ and others played tricks on them. It is also believed that this custom has existed since Roman times when practical jokes were played on others during a festival called Hilaria.

Here are a few fun facts on April Fools’ Day:

•In France, children stick paper fish on their friends’ backs. When the friend finally discovers it they all yell April fish!
•In Portugal, April Fools’ Day is celebrated by throwing flour on people’s faces!
•In England and Canada, pranks are only played in the morning of April 1st and not throughout the day.
•In parts of Belgium children lock out their parents and teachers and only let them in if they promise to give them sweets.
•April Fools’ Day in Scotland is called Huntigowk Day. In Scots the word gowk means a cuckoo or foolish individual.

I hope you have played your pranks on everyone today! If not, then better get started!!!!

Compiled by: Aanya Krishna
Aanya is a grade 6 student. A voracious reader she also loves to draw and doodle. Like her whole family she is also a big foodie!

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