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What is Geo Engineering? And How Will It Solve Climate Change?

One minute read. Written by the IKUN team.

Geo Engineering means fighting climate change on a large scale – which basically means that when many people, or countries, do something really big to take action on climate change, the effect is much bigger.

By I Kid You Not , in Climate Change Current Stories , at February 17, 2020

One minute read. Written by the IKUN team

What is Geo engineering?

Geo Engineering means fighting climate change on a large scale – which basically means that when many people, or countries, do something really big to take action on climate change, the effect is much bigger. The main aim of Geo Engineering is to make a change in our environment to correct the climate changes that have been caused by our own actions.

Example – and this may sound crazy, but it has been suggested: To put massive sunshades in space! Or, making gigantic reflective roofs (to reflect back the sunlight) or desert coverings to save the ground from heating up!

Simpler examples will be – if millions of Indians decide to plant trees together on the same day, it would make a great positive change in the climate. If everyone decides to use recycled paper together, large number of trees are saved from being cut. This would make all of us Geo engineers!

How can we Geo Engineer the earth?

The biggest problem of climate change is the green house effect which is the increase in temperature of the Earth due to carbon dioxide and other gases released. Many scientists suggested that using a huge mirror (the size of Greenland) would reflect back the sun rays and reduce heating of the earth.

Scientists also suggested iron fertilization.

What is Iron fertilization?

Adding iron to the seas and oceans can really help the environment. This is how it works – adding iron to the oceans increases the growth of many organisms that live in large water bodies (like planktons).

Planktons need sunlight to grow, and as they grow they take in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. These then die and fall to the bottom of the ocean – the carbon dioxide remains trapped in their bodies – so that way the carbon dioxide gets reduced and oxygen gets increased. So when iron is added to the oceans, it is called Iron Fertilization.

Another suggestion adding bio char to the soil.

What is Biochar?

Biochar is food or farm waste which is put back into the soil .It absorbs tonnes of carbon dioxide. Biochar is used to make the soil rich and also absorb carbon dioxide from the air. If used by many, it would lead to geo engineering.

Can Geo Engineering fight climate change?

Geoengineering can help fight climate change and reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere slowly but surely.

Here’s a video to understand it better -:


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