Gender Fluidity – Here’s What You Need to Know
Written by Samaira Aima, a grade 11 student.
Gender Fluidity is when an individual is not restricted to only one gender identity and that identity can change over time.
Written by Samaira Aima, a grade 11 student.
“There are no fine lines that describe me
No bars or cages to confine me,
I love WHO I am
Even though I do not know
WHAT I am on any given day“

Gender Fluidity is when an individual is not restricted to only one gender identity and that identity can change over time.
What does it mean to be gender-fluid?
Gender-fluid people fluctuate in their gender identity over periods of time. Someone who is gender-fluid, for example, may identify as a boy one day and as a femme the next.
Who can be gender-fluid?
Some trans persons are gender-fluid, while others are not. Some gender-fluid people identify as a fluid man or woman, while others transition between nonbinary genders. What’s crucial to realise is that gender is a very personal experience, and no two gender-fluid persons have to have the same identity or approach to their gender.
What pronouns should I use when addressing a gender-fluid person?
Before assuming, people should always inquire about an individual’s pronouns. As no pronouns are tied to a specific gender, there are no fixed set of pronouns for gender-fluid people.
A gender-fluid individual may ask you to change the pronouns you use for them based on how they are feeling about their own gender at the time.
Being non-binary and genderfluid in 21st-century India- What can WE, as a society do to help?
Being non-binary and gender-fluid is difficult anywhere, but especially in India where encounters at home, work, and in society can set off mental health issues.
Our society needs to be educated on the importance of adopting policies that are sensitive to the needs of the LGBTQ+ community.
In all correspondences, protocols such as using Mx instead of Mr or Ms to address individuals, as well as the addressee’s preferred pronouns, should be used. While signing into video conferences, people should also provide their pronouns.
Simple efforts, such as stating one’s preferred pronouns in email signatures and providing a link to encourage others to learn more about gender sensitivity, can go a long way.
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