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Herd Immunity: Can it Fight The Crisis at Hand?

Written by Dev Veer Vacher, a grade 9 student.

COVID-19 originated as a small local virus that wasn’t kept in check and continued to spread until it had eventually engulfed the globe.

By I Kid You Not , in Coronavirus Current Stories Environment Facts to Know , at June 2, 2020 Tags: , , , ,

Written by Dev Veer Vacher, a grade 9 student.

COVID-19 originated as a small, local virus that wasn’t kept in check and continued to spread until it had eventually engulfed the globe. It continues to spread even now, and hopes of it being stopped rest on the shoulders of scientists who are trying to develop a vaccine. But, vaccines are not the only way this virus can be defeated. So what is this wonder cure of the coronavirus? The answer- herd immunity.

What is herd immunity?

The cycle of herd immunity starts when people are infected by a virus or vaccinated against it. Either way, if the body fights the infection, the person then becomes immune to the contagion. This way, as more and more of the infected population gets immunized, they then offer protection to those who are still vulnerable to the virus, and the spread of the disease is contained. Examples of herd immunity coming into play can be seen in the smallpox outbreak of 1977, and the measles of the 1930s.

Can herd immunity make us immune to COVID-19?

While herd immunity can definitely eradicate the virus, it cannot make all of us immune to the virus due to the sheer number of people who walk on this planet. Some people are having relapses of the infection, though they make up a really small portion of the total population that has recovered from the virus. Overall, herd immunity is our best bet to eradicating COVID-19 once and for all.

What is being done to achieve herd immunity?

The only realistic way to achieve herd immunity is to develop a vaccine, as letting the virus run rampant is utterly senseless. Various countries are trying to develop the vaccine in question. Some universities like Texas A&M and Oxford have already started human testing for vaccines to fight COVID-19. If these can immunize more than half of the world’s population, then it will only be a matter of time before the virus is eradicated. Meanwhile, Sweden has been seen taking a different approach to achieve herd immunity. They have remained open and have seen a number of cases including 2000 deaths. However, since a lot of people have recovered and are now immune to the virus, there is a chance of them developing herd immunity quite soon. In fact, the Swedish ambassador to the US stated that the city of Stockholm could achieve herd immunity within the month of June.

No matter what happens now, one of our best bets against the virus is to achieve herd immunity as soon as possible.

Written by Dev Veer Vacher, a grade 9 student.


  • That’s really nice mantasha❤..am so happy for u…work hard and captured all the happiness and success that should be yours….❤❤?? All the best??❤

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