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Rube Goldberg Machine Explained

Written by Riyaan Kaul, a grade 4 student.

A Rube Goldberg machine is a machine that is purposely designed to accomplish a simple task in an extremely complicated way…

By I Kid You Not , in Did You Know Explained , at June 21, 2020 Tags: , , , , ,

Written by Riyaan Kaul, a grade 4 student.

A Rube Goldberg machine is a machine that is purposely designed to accomplish a simple task in an extremely complicated way. The machines consist of a series of unrelated devices where the action of each triggers the activation of the next device in order to achieve the desired goal.

The Rube Goldberg machine was named after a cartoonist “Rube Goldberg” whose cartoons often showed illustrations of devices that performed simple tasks in complicated ways. Many Hollywood films used Rube Goldberg Machines.  Purdue University in Indiana started a yearly competition called the Rube Goldberg machine contest.

If you want to try making one for yourself, here are the steps. First, think of your goal. Next, brainstorm on how you could make it to achieve your task. After that, find the supplies you need to make your Rube Goldberg machine. Finally, bit by bit, start connecting the pieces together. (I suggest you keep it simple if this is your first time making one, and when you get used to it you can try to make a harder one)

To give you an example: a stone could hit  a bucket which could fall and pour water into the soil to water plants. Don’t think that this is the only way, though. There are hundreds of ways to make Rube Goldberg machines.

Now, let me tell you something about Rube Goldberg: the creator of the Rube Goldberg machine. He was the world’s most famous newspaper cartoonist, and he was also a sculptor, author, engineer,and even an inventor. (I think he made the Rube Goldberg machine to take care of one of those jobs). Just imagine having three jobs at once!

Now, take your Rube Goldberg machine (if you made it) and test it out to see if it works and achieves its goal. A Rube Goldberg machine can even switch a light on with the click of a button,  and all you will need is the materials and some skill. The Rube Goldberg machine can even perform a sport like a soccer. A heavy stick hits the soccer ball and it rolls into the goal. I would love to try making one, though it might be more fun to just go out and play a game of football!

Written by Riyaan Kaul, a grade 4 student.


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