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The New-Normal

Written by Naman Sonpar, a grade 7 student

You probably know this by now, but Corona in Coronavirus means crown in Latin due to its appearance (the spikes on the virus look like a crown…

By I Kid You Not , in Opinion (U/A 7+) , at December 17, 2020 Tags:

Written by Naman Sonpar, a grade 7 student

You probably know this by now, but Corona in Coronavirus means crown in Latin due to its appearance (the spikes on the virus look like a crown). It is a respiratory disorder with symptoms just like fever with dry cough and headache. And a lockdown is a step to reduce its spread.

A lockdown of this massive level has never ever been imposed on 130 crore people of this country. Being the first of its kind, we were all initially perplexed as to what is likely to come to light during the so-called lock down phase. Soon we realized that we need to sit tight where we are and not do any activities as we have to be safe! Which otherwise would have been done in the normal scheme of things during an as such “Pre Covid” time.

Hence, life during this lock down has been like an emotional roller coaster! But just like the two sides of the coin, this lockdown has many disadvantages and advantages for us. The main disadvantage is that our daily routines, activities, commuting, and communicating acts have just come to a full stop. But, the advantages are stronger. This lockdown has taught us to be responsible, to be careful and to always put health first! And it has definitely made us stronger.

To make these complicated things less complicated, we learned to adapt and understand. We realised that Coronavirus is not a full stop to everything it is just a comma, just a slight pause.
Masks, sanitizers, and other necessary precautions led their own way. Our unhealthy diets changed to healthy, powering, and balanced diets in order to maintain a good immunity system. Pre Covid every one used to crib and cry about not having time to full fill their hobbies and interests. Well, this is the perfect time to do so. I myself have started to take the good out of this time. Cooking finger-licking dishes with my mom, playing chess with my father, fulfilling my hobby of gardening and reading for long hours with peace and quiet have been somethings on my plate. And to add to the fun. The schools re-opened! Not the physical ones but virtual schools which are super fun! Meeting my teachers and friends this way has been an experience I can’t forget.

Personally speaking, I do feel that this lock down is not very bad. It not only keeps us safe but it is like a good vacation with work and relaxation. I recommend all of you to brush your mind with some wholesome and positive thoughts.

Make the best of the situation and learn something new – did you know that many online courses are free right now?

This period is what I define as “The New-Normal.”

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