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What is Memorial Day?

Written by Meher Gupta. a grade 6 student.

On this day all the men and women who died while serving in the U.S army in the Civil war are honoured. …

By I Kid You Not , in Facts to Know Festivals History , at May 30, 2020 Tags: , , , , ,

Written by Meher Gupta. a grade 6 student

Memorial Day is a government holiday in the United States.

Originally known as Decoration Day. It is celebrated on the last Monday of May. On this day all the men and women who died while serving in the U.S army in the Civil war are honoured. The civil war started in the year 1861 between the northern United States and the southern United States over the enslavement of African American people. The civil war had a great impact on the American population. It was the most traumatic experience endured by Americans of that generation. At least 620,000 soldiers lost their lives in the war which accounted for 2 percent of the American population in 1861. The civil war ended in the year 1865.

This day is celebrated by visiting cemeteries or memorials, holding family gatherings and participating in parades. Since it falls on a Monday it is also called a Memorial Day weekend. This year despite having the Covid-19 lockdown the Americans celebrated the Memorial Day.


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