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Monday, March 31, 2025
Explained Simply For Kids & Teens

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What’s the New Normal?

One minute read. Written by Agastya Sharma, a grade 6 student (junior editor I Kid You Not).

People are questioning whether they will be ever able to hug or shake hands without having to think twice anymore.

By I Kid You Not , in Coronavirus Opinion (U/A 7+) , at May 7, 2020

One minute read. Written by Agastya Sharma, a grade 6 student (junior editor I Kid You Not).

Even with bluer skies in Delhi after quite a long time, survival threats felt by many for the first time in generations are justified. And as quiet times at home are forced upon us, all of us, everywhere are reconsidering and re-evaluating their normal lives and thinking, “What is normal, now?”

People are questioning whether they will be ever able to hug or shake hands without having to think twice anymore. Will a sanitizer and a mask become as typical in a school bag as a set of books and a pencil box? Will a sneeze in the metro be forgiven as easily as it was in just 5 months ago? Will kids be able to take school buses without a feeling of fear and will they now ever be able to share water with each other as they did in February?

It’s a question everyone is asking. Whilst parents are thinking of altered workplaces, kids are dreaming of simpler things like a game of cricket with friends they last met 6 weeks ago. And as long as humankind struggles to contain this virus, the innocent dreams of children remain dreams.

What will be the new normal? If it is going to be normal ever again. As a mural in Hong Kong said- there was something wrong with what we thought was normal. Any wonder we are here right now?!

Think about it, what has CoVid 19 done to of all of us?

Written by Agastya Sharma
Agastya is a grade 6 student who is passionate about reading and writing.

Want to write for I Kid You Not? We publish children’s writing.
Reach out at: ikidyounott@yahoo.com


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