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World Red Cross Day

Written by Ahaan Anand, a grade 9 student.

Every year 8th May is celebrated as Red Cross day, as well as World Thalassemia day.

By I Kid You Not , in Current Stories , at May 7, 2020 Tags: , , , , , ,

Written by Ahaan Anand, a grade 9 student

Every year 8th May is celebrated as Red Cross day, as well as World Thalassemia day. This day has an important role in giving hope to people all across the world.

What’s the Red Cross and why does it have a day named after it

The Red Cross, or the International Committee Of The Red Cross, is a non-profit organization based on preserving human life and nature all over the world. It has headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland and provides humanitarian aid to people who are in need of it all over the globe.

The organization has also won 3 Nobel peace prizes. It’s founder was Henry Dunant who was born on 8th May, 1828.

It was because of Henry that the organization was able to help millions of people over the whole world. In his memory, May 8th is celebrated as World Red Cross Day.

Moving on to World Thalassemia Day

Thalassemia is a rare inherited blood disorder which cannot be cured. Due to Thalassemia the loss of the oxygen protein (hemoglobin) in the red blood cells is imminent. This can lead to anemia as well which happens when there is a loss of red blood cells in the body.

About 1 million people suffer from it every year in India. Symptoms of this disorder may include fatigue, slow growth, paleness and even weakness. The World Thalassemia Day is celebrated on may 8th to give hope to all those suffering from the disorder and to spread awareness in people who may or may not know of having the disease, spread ways of prevention and methods to avoid transmission among other people in the world.

When people get to know of the Red Cross Day, they feel motivated and are eager to fight any disease or disorder which they might have. They feel as if there is someone always watching over them and try and come out of the difficult times. When people hear of World Thalassemia Day, those who are suffering from it are encouraged to try and fight it. Those who didn’t know about the lethal disorder come to know of it along with ways to prevent it.

This day provides and will continue to provide a beacon of hope all around the world and will always be a vital day for the world!

Thanks for reading folks!
Stay well, stay safe.

Written by Ahaan Anand, a grade 9 student of Modern School

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