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China is Breaking!

One minute read. Written by Agastya Sharma, a grade 6 student (junior editor I Kid You Not).

With the world reeling under Covid-19’s pressure, and the recent escalations on the India-China border, most countries aren’t besties with the Dragon…

By I Kid You Not , in Coronavirus Opinion (U/A 7+) , at June 21, 2020 Tags: , , , , ,

One minute read. Written by Agastya Sharma, a grade 6 student (junior editor I Kid You Not).

China’s breaking! Sorry, I just had to say that.

But it might just be true! With the world reeling under Covid-19’s pressure, and the recent escalations on the India-China border, most countries aren’t besties with the Dragon.

And now, Indian intelligence agencies are requesting the administration to ban apps that have links with China. That might be a bit overkill, since like everything these days has links to China, but anyway. Apps like TikTok, SHAREit, Helo, WeChat, the list goes on. All of them have been red-flagged by the intelligence agencies as they have ‘links to China’. In that case, go toss your desktops out, CBI.

Also red-flagged were browsers like UC browser, beauty apps like BeautyPlus, and e-commerce apps like ROMWE. Ok, serious issue. Who names an app, their brainchild, something like ROMWE? Messed up.

While the agencies of our beloved country are doing everything they can to ban apps from China, citizens of India are ‘doing their bit to abolish China’s grip on our lives’. I was watching the news one day, and the first scene that was shown on prime time was three men jumping on their Lenovos. A few others were setting fire to their desktops and TVs. Now that’s overkill.

Although they believe their actions are justified, it’s not that simple. I myself am using a Chinese product to write this very article, and I’m pretty sure that you peeps have some stuff at home that if not manufactured in China, have Chinese parts.

But these steps to destroy the hold that China has on our economy will work. Even if only a quarter of India stops buying Chinese goods, China’s economy will be flat on its stomach.

Ok, that’s it from me.

Good bye!


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