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The Historic Legacy of Alexander the Great

Written by Nihal Singh Dhingra, a grade 9 student.

Alexander’s reign had signalled the start of a new era in history, known as the Hellenistic age. He was one of the most successful rulers and was the king of most of the known world…

By I Kid You Not , in History People , at June 22, 2020 Tags: , , , , ,

Written by Nihal Singh Dhingra, a grade 9 student.

What was so great about Alexander the Great?

It was that he had never lost a battle in his reign.

When his father, Philip II, passed away in 336 BC, he became the King of Macedon (covering parts of modern-day Northern Greece and Balkan Peninsula) at the age of 20. Legend has it that Philip II was none other than Zeus, the ruler of the Greek gods. Still considered the greatest military leader, Alexander expanded his territory, and, in only 13 years, he was the ruler of the largest empire in the entire ancient world: an empire that covered over 3,000 miles!

Alexander’s reign had signalled the start of a new era in history, known as the Hellenistic age. He was one of the most successful rulers and was the king of most of the known world.

When Alexander was young, he was taught literature, science, medicine, and philosophy by the great philosopher, Aristotle, until he became King.

Alexander fought many historic battles in his famous military career. His tactics and strategies are still being studied today. He had captured and founded many cities bearing his name. One such city is Alexandria in Egypt. It is named after him, and is home to over 5 million people.

The Battle of Hydaspes River was the last major battle fought by Alexander. In June 323 BC, Alexander died due to a mysterious cause. After his death, his kingdom could not survive and it collapsed into civil war.

The Historic Legacy of Alexander the GreatIt is true and Alexander himself said – “There is nothing impossible to him who will try”.


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