The Power of Pronouns
Composed by Lavanya Chopra, a grade 4 student
Composed by Lavanya Chopra, a grade 4 student
Pronouns – you are so useful
Let’s show everyone how
Without you, English is incomplete
So come and take a bow!
Let’s start by introducing
important members of your family
Pronouns- Personal, Possessive, Demonstrative, and Interrogative
They’re quite a fun bunch really!
Personal Pronouns make chats easier
As they substitute our names
Imagine repeating the same names again and again
How taxing would that be on our brains?!
I, me, you, he and she
Are personal pronouns so easy
Making my sentences short and crisp
‘They’ make conversation so breezy!
Possessive are those pronouns
That show ownership or possession
Mine, yours, my, hers, his, theirs or ours
Are just simpler forms of expression!
‘My’ name is Lavanya, ‘my’ age is 8
This poem is ‘mine’ and not ‘yours’
How would I explain this to anyone
If I didn’t have you doing ‘my’ chores?!
Demonstrative Pronouns are the fellows
That are sure of who they are
Saying this, those, that and these with authority
They are the bossiest ones by far!
‘That’ girl, played with ‘those’ toys,
‘This’ is her red bag of blocks
They help with sentences such as ‘these’
When anybody talks!
Interrogative Pronouns are rather curious
They ask many a question
What, which, who, whom, and whose
My God! they sure can give you tension!
‘What’ is your business?
‘Who’ are you?
‘Whom’ do you want to meet?
Make you feel, you’re being interrogated by a detective
Surely not an easy way to greet!
All in all Mr. & Mrs. Pronoun
‘You’ are the best friends of the noun
‘You’ let it rest when ‘it’s’ tired
‘You’ just never let ‘it’ frown!
Lavanya Chopra is a Grade 4 student at the Shriram School, New Delhi. She is 9 yrs old now. Her detective stories were written in 2020. Her hobbies are writing short stories, poetry, and rap. Her forte is theater and she has participated in many children’s plays including online plays, produced during the pandemic and beamed over zoom. She is also training in gymnastics.
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